How to Gain a Bird's-Eye View of Stressing Issues Across 100s of MySQL DB Instances

When scaling databases in the cloud, using native tools provided by cloud vendors often makes it challenging to obtain a comprehensive view of the stress points affecting our databases in a unified manner, as these tools are specifically designed for single database instances

Products like RDS Performance Insights are typically centered on a particular database. They provide a detailed analysis of performance metrics, but when attempting to obtain a broader overview and highlight critical issues, these tools fall short.

Rapydo Scout offers a unique perspective by enabling visibility into both your managed and unmanaged databases through a single interface, allowing you to delve into the most pressing performance issues across your database fleet.

Rapydo Scout Master Dashboard

  1. Queries View: This section displays highlights of your queries across multiple databases. You gain top insights & drill down into significant aspects such as:
  • Locks: Achieve visibility into all transaction/metadata locks across your databases, providing a detailed understanding of each instance:
This grid shows a detailed description of each lock, and what is the impact on other waiting queries
This grid shows a detailed description of each lock, and what is the impact on other waiting queries
These are more columns in the same locks grid.
These are more columns in the same locks grid.
  • Slowest Queries: Identify the slowest queries across all your databases, noting the DB Identifier Column:
This grid shows the slowest queries across all your databases ordered by MAX Time
This grid shows the slowest queries across all your databases ordered by MAX Time
  • Repetitive Queries: Discover the most frequently executed queries across your entire database fleet:
See the most repetitive queries across all your databases
See the most repetitive queries across all your databases

2. Servers View: Here, you can correlate your CPU & IO metrics with the status of your connections across hundreds of DB instances:

See a clear correlation between CPU Utilization & Connections Usage
See a clear correlation between CPU Utilization & Connections Usage
  1. Rapydo Recommendations: This feature offers actionable insights from Rapydo Cortex across your entire database fleet. Utilizing Rapydo Recommendations allows you to identify optimization opportunities, such as caching tables or queries and throttling queries with significant time differences between their minimum and maximum execution times. These recommendations are presented instantaneously, as they are generated directly from your MySQL Performance Schema. In the future roadmap for Rapydo Scout, we plan to introduce recommendations for Query Optimization via Large Language Models, which will be tailored based on your DB Schema and the specific queries:
See the tables with the best R/W Ratio for Caching
See the tables with the best R/W Ratio for Caching

See queries with large gap between Min/Max runtime, for detection of high parallelism in order to leverage Rapydo Queueing capabilities
See queries with large gap between Min/Max runtime, for detection of high parallelism in order to leverage Rapydo Queueing capabilities

In summary, Rapydo Scout provides visibility into hundreds or even thousands of databases on a single screen, enabling you to pinpoint the most significant issues across your database fleet.Connecting to Rapydo Scout takes no more than 10 minutes. Feel free to reach out to us and schedule a demo.

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